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Unique, innovate, effective and helpful.
Brokap is essential for developers and real estate brokers with fully projection at national and international markets.
Agile and accesible. It provides a very effective communication between professionals. This allow us to make the purchase and sale process of new developments, even more profitable.

. Free app
. Unique and exclusive channel for brokers
. Updated information
. Prices
. Commercial documents
. Direct chat with any development
. Videos and photos of the building process status
. Commissions and incentives information
. Own email marketing platform
. “How to arrive” with Geolocation
. Customers registration, for sales appointment

Everything just with a click.
Take the control of the app and add your favourites, check out the image gallery or have a conversation with any new development at any time.

Say good bay to old habits. Say hello to innovation.
Forget about traditional communication. Start working efficiently.
Say goodbye to misinformation. Start operating with interest data.